Can I apply my admission tickets to upgrade to a 会员?
是的! 在同一天网上赌搏网站十大排行期间, 你可以申请博物馆入场券, 停车费及, 在某些情况下, 特色展品入场. Stop by Member Services with your receipt 和 we'll help you calculate your savings.
一旦您购买了会员资格,您将通过电子邮件收到一张数字会员卡. 如果你通过电话、亲自或在线订购,你会收到一封带有数字卡的电子邮件. 您也可以在网上登入会员帐户时申请电子会员卡. 说明在下面的链接中.
每位成人会员必须于入场时出示身份证及会员卡. 家庭会员适用于两位有姓名的成年人及其17岁及以下的子女/孙辈. Dual 会员 is intended for two named adults or one named adult 和 one child. Family Premium 会员 includes two named adults, their children/gr和children ages 17 和 younger 和 extra visitation benefits, 包括是否可以安排一名可以带会员子女的看护者,或者是否可以带一名不知名的轮流客人. You may use either the caregiver or guest benefit during your visit. 在您当前的会籍周期内,会籍上的姓名不能更改,会籍不能转让或退款. 会员s will not be issued to anyone under the age of 18.
I want to bring a different guest each time I visit. 我怎么做呢?
家庭高级会员资格允许您在每次网上赌搏网站十大排行期间带一位不知名的客人. 如果您不是此级别的会员, 然后你可以利用你的两张免费的博物馆门票带来不知名的客人. You can also stop at Member Services to receive a discounted admission ticket.
How do I use my digital 会员 card for my free museum admission 和 discounts?
只要在进入博物馆或购买打折的特色展览门票时出示身份证即可. The name on the 会员 must match the name on the ID, unless a caregiver is bringing the Member children with a Family Premium 会员. 在您当前的会籍周期内,不能更改会籍上的姓名,也不能转让会籍.
How do I redeem my free guest Museum Admission tickets benefit?
您可以在您的数字会员卡上看到您的客人密码,并可以轻松地在线兑换这些客人密码,以获得免费的博物馆门票. The codes can also be redeemed in person or over the phone.
When do my free guest Museum Admission tickets expire?
When your membership expires, then any loaded benefits also expire. The tickets will not carry over when you renew the membership.
只需在购买时出示您的数字会员卡,我们将对其进行验证,以便您可以获得折扣. Please use the code 1301 at the kiosks for a 10% discount on food.
Is there a discount for educators or other professions?
是的! 教育工作者可以获得20美元的会员折扣. This offer also applies to first responders, military, 和 nurses. 此优惠不可与任何其他折扣、优惠券或特别优惠同时使用. Proof of status must be presented at time of purchase. Discount cannot be applied to previously purchased 会员s. Educator refers to those who teach a licensed state curriculum, 学前班到大学, 或者谁在家上学. 会员资格及折扣只适用于教师家庭,不适用于课堂, 托儿所, tutoring or supplemental educational programs, 支持员工或团队使用. Discount cannot be applied to 会员 given as gifts to other households. Download the Educator Discount 会员 form.
Can I use my 会员 during a school field trip?
会员排除 学校实地考察 以及任何其他有组织的团体网上赌搏网站十大排行. 会员s are not for companies, organizations or other groups. Please contact 集团销售 at (513) 287-7021 for information about group visits.
您可以随时升级,但您的到期日期将保持不变,不能更改. 只需支付您当前会员级别与您想要升级的级别之间的差额,您就可以立即获得新的福利! Just stop by Member Services during your next visit, or call us at (513) 287-7041.
I just renewed my 会员, but I am going out of town. Can I still take advantage of reciprocity at other museums?
是的! Just be sure you have a copy of your digital 会员 card. 关于如何申请数字会员卡的说明如下,或者您可以登录会员门户.
I am giving somebody else a 会员 as a gift. 他们如何收到我买的礼物?
When purchasing a Gift of membership, you will get a gift code like this: http://cincymuseum.web.use2.ticketuretest.com/ticket_order/01919a81-aa1b-69d8-c48d-83b1119d3f12 then click the link to share with your recipient.
我的名片不见了. 我可以换一张新的吗?
There is a $5 fee for your replacement cards. 请电子邮件 membership@boyuzatmayollari.com 申请新会员卡. You can also access a digital version of your 会员 card.
您的会籍有效期为一年. 会员s expire at the end of the month in which you purchased your 会员. If you renew before the month of your current expiration date, then your 12 months of 会员 will be added to your current expiration date.
Do Members receive free admission to all featured exhibits?
作为会员, 您可以根据具体展览获得免费或折扣入场. 每个特色展览的价格细节可在我们的特色展览网页上找到.
Please scan your digital 会员 card to enter 和 exit the parking lots.
所有会员级别均可免费停车. Upon arrival, scan your digital 会员 card at the automated parking kiosk. You can also scan the QR code from your email confirmation. If you don’t have your digital 会员 card or QR code, please take a parking ticket to the box office for validation.
该个人(客人/照顾者)可与成人或儿童会员一同参观博物馆, 但并不孤单. 若陪同12岁或以下的会员儿童,照顾者必须年满18岁. 看护者在进入博物馆或购买折扣门票时必须出示数字会员卡.
How can my caregiver bring my children without me?
如果您是家庭高级会员, then your caregiver receives free admission as one of your benefits. Please be sure they have a copy of your digital 会员 card. If you do not have a Family Premium 会员, then another adult may bring your Member children on your 会员. 然而, 如另一名成人并非会员, then he or she will have to pay admission at Member Services. 12岁或以下的儿童必须由至少18岁的看护人陪同.
Do I receive a discount on admission tickets purchased for guests?
是的! There is a $1 discount on a Museum Admission ticket. Members must accompany their guest during the visit. 当您购买时,请务必在会员服务处出示您的数字会员卡,以便您的折扣可以验证.
Is my 会员 reciprocal with other museums?
是的! 我们所有的会员级别都与参与的机构对等 ASTC (Association of 科学 和 Technology Centers) Travel Passport Program 和 时间旅行者网络. 家庭和家庭高级会员也有权享受与 美国儿童博物馆协会 互惠项目. 我们强烈建议会员在旅行前致电目的地,询问具体的福利和必要的证件. 每个博物馆保留执行互惠政策的权利,如果不遵守政策,则拒绝免费参观.
我是另一家博物馆的会员. Can I get in free at Cincinnati Museum Center?
- 儿童博物馆协会互惠网络会员可享受博物馆门票折扣.
- 参与时间旅行者互惠网络的成员可以免费进入博物馆.
- 科学技术中心协会会员可免费参观博物馆. CMC检查身份证的互惠准入,并执行ASTC“90英里”互惠政策.
**ASTC互惠优惠不适用于居住地点距离CMC不到90英里的互惠会员. 根据ASTC政策, this distance is measured “as the crow flies”, 这意味着它是基于你的居住地和CMC之间的线性半径, 非驾车距离.
**Boonshoft Museum of Discovery – 50% discount. - 入场券只适用于两名有姓名的成人和四名17岁及以下的子女或孙子女. 贵宾会员不享有其他优惠.
Check the map to see if you qualify for the ASTC “90-Mile” reciprocal policy.
How can I get more information about all the different activities going on at CMC?
Check out the calendar to learn more about daily activities. 在这里查看十大赌博平台排行榜日历.
会员s are only for individuals or families. We do not offer a 会员 for organizations. To visit Museum Center with your organization, 请致电(513)287-7021与团体销售部联系,了解团体价格和预订.
As part of our ongoing efforts to acquire new Members, 我们偶尔会与其他类似的非营利组织交换会员的家庭住址. 如果您不希望我们分享您的信息,请发送电子邮件至membership@boyuzatmayollari.com. We never share or exchange email addresses or phone numbers.
点击这里在线购票 或致电会员服务部(513)287-7041. Our ticket office is open Monday – Sunday, 9 a.m. 到5点.m.
For membership questions or more information, please email membership@boyuzatmayollari.com 或致电(513)287-7041.